Check out the additional resources below!
Student Resources

Schools Program Staff
Our staff is here to help. Please contact us at sustainability@smcgov.org if you would like us to stop by your school and speak to your classroom, green team, or environmental club about the following:
- The 4R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rot – Compost
- Advice on how to improve recycling and composting at your school
- Plastic Pollution Prevention
- Local Environmental Justice Waste Issues
- Worm and Backyard Composting
- Careers in the Sustainability Field
Signs & Stickers
If you would like any of these signs and stickers for your green team, club, classroom, or school, please email us at sustainability@smcgov.org
Check This Out!
The organizations listed below explain different environmental topics in a fun way!
A watershed is the land that water flows over or through on its way to a creek, delta, bay, or ocean. Everyone lives in a watershed, and everything that happens in the watershed affects water quality and habitat quality for fish, birds, and other living things. There are over 80 watersheds in San Mateo County! Find yours by visiting Flows to the Bay Interactive Watershed Map
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…welcome to the Star Wars themed Virtual Escape Room! This escape room was made by the Safe Routes to School team at the San Mateo County Office of Education. To learn more visit Baby Yoda’s Safe Journey
Take Action to Reduce Waste! Are you ready to join the League of 4R’s Action Heroes and take action to reduce waste? Meet the founding members of the League and come up with your own action hero identity! To learn more visit StopWaste Action Heroes!
The earth’s climate is changing. While the planet’s climate has changed before, this time is different. People are causing these changes, which are bigger and happening faster than any climate changes that modern society has ever seen. To learn more visit The Environmental Protection Agency Resources for Students
Earth is getting warmer, and as a result, global sea levels are rising. But why is this? What is the connection between rising global temperatures and rising seas? We’ll explore how the properties and behavior of water at the molecular scale can impact the earth—and people—on a global scale. To learn more visit California Academy of Sciences Resources for Students
The Sustainability Department is proud to announce that we are now accepting applications for the fourth cohort of the Youth Climate Ambassador (YCA) Program! Please read below for more details to share with 9th-12th grade student communities in San Mateo County. We are accepting applications now until Monday, September 5th at 11:59pm.
The County of San Mateo’s Sustainability Department, in partnership with San Mateo County’s Office of Education, Peninsula Clean Energy, and Citizens Environmental Council of Burlingame, launched a new youth climate change leadership program for 9th-12th grade students who live or go to school in San Mateo County. This program is offered in a virtual setting for participants, with twice a month Thursday evening meetings on Zoom accompanied by three in person retreats on Saturdays throughout the program. You can review the participant schedule and apply online by visiting: tinyurl.org/YCACohort4Application