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San Mateo County cyclists

Unincorporated San Mateo County Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee

The Unincorporated San Mateo County Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (SMC BPAC) reviews projects and programs in the unincorporated areas of the county and advises and make recommendations to the County Board of Supervisors on matters to improve walking and bicycling. SMC BPAC meetings provide a public forum for BPAC member discussion and members of the public to provide input.  The feedback we get from you allows us to make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. Let’s work together to make unincorporated San Mateo County a better place to walk and bike!

Want to join a BPAC meeting?

The SMC BPAC meets on the third Thursday of even numbered months starting at 7:00 pm. Check the agendas below for items corresponding to each BPAC meeting. Our meetings are being held in person in Room 101 at 455 County Center, Redwood City, and members of the public can also join by video conference via Zoom per the link contained in the agendas below. Agendas are posted 72 hours in advance of the BPAC meetings.

BPAC Meeting Dates and Materials

Meeting Date Meeting Materials
June 20, 2024Meeting Cancelled
Meeting Cancellation Notice
April 18, 2024Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation on the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition El Camino Real 2030 Campaign
Presentation on the Bay to Sea Trail Feasibility Study Update
Presentation on Walk this Way: Advocating a Path for Safer Streets
February 15, 2024Meeting Agenda Packet
Final SMC BPAC 2024 Work Plan
Final Lifeline Application Support Letter
Presentation on the North Fair Oaks Railroad Crossing and Community Connections Study Update
Public Correspondence Received Ahead of the February 15, 2024 BPAC Meeting
Presentation on the C/CAG Lifeline Grant
Presentation on the DPW Streamlined 2024 Road Projects List
December 21, 2023Meeting Agenda Packet
Public Correspondence Received Ahead of the December 21, 2023 BPAC Meeting
Presentation on the Department of Public Works 2023 Work Plan - Update
Presentation on the Caltrans District 4 Bike Plan
Presentation on the Woodside Road Construction Project
Draft SMC BPAC 2024 Work Plan
October 19, 2023 Special Meeting Agenda Packet
Signed Support Letter Slow Streets Near Schools
Signed Support Letter Safe Shared Streets Video Pilot Program
Presentation on the Cañada Road Pavement Preservation Project
Presentation on the Department of Public Works 2023 Work Plan - Update
Public Correspondence Received Ahead of the October 19. 2023
August 17, 2023 Meeting Agenda Packet
Draft Letter of Support for the Pilot Cyclist Camera Program
Public Correspondence Received Ahead of the August 17 2023 San Mateo County BPAC Meeting
Presentation on the Coleman and Ringwood Avenues Transportation Study Update
Presentation on the Slow Streets Near Schools Proposal
June 15, 2023 Meeting Agenda Packet
Public Comment Received Regarding Speed Limits Near Schools
Presentation on the North Fair Oaks Railroad Crossing and Community Connections Study Update
April 20, 2023 Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation on the County of San Mateo Public Works Road Maintenance Program
Presentation on the 2023 Work Plan and Update on Additional County of San Mateo Public Works Projects with Bicycle and Pedestrian Components
Public Correspondence Received Ahead of the April 20, 2023 BPAC Meeting
February 16, 2023Meeting Agenda Packet
Public Correspondence – Santa Cruz/Alameda de las Pulgas Improvement Project
Presentation on the Bay to Sea Trail Feasibility Study
Presentation on BPAC Member Process, Roles, and Responsibilities
2021 California Highway Patrol Bicycle and Pedestrian Collision Report
2022 California Highway Patrol Bicycle and Pedestrian Collision Report
2022 Summary of Unincorporated San Mateo County Traffic and Collision Report
2022 Unincorporated San Mateo County Bicycle Collision Report
2023 SMC BPAC Work Plan
2023 SMC BPAC Neighborhood Responsibilities
December 15, 2022Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation on the Coastal Trail Study
Presentation on Caltrans District 4 Bike Highway Study
Presentation on Local Roadway Safety Plan Data Collection Sources
Draft SMC BPAC 2023 Work Plan
October 20, 2022Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation on County Local Road Safety Plan
Unincorporated San Mateo County Local Road Safety Plan
Unincorporated San Mateo County Local Road Safety Plan Fact Sheet
Signed Letter in Support of the San Mateo County Local Road Safety Plan
Signed Letter to the San Mateo County Sheriff-Elect
Pescadero Road Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Safety Audit

Presentation on the County Office of Education School Travel Fellowship Program
August 18, 2022 Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation on Draft County Local Road Safety Plan
Draft Unincorporated San Mateo County Local Road Safety Plan
Draft Unincorporated San Mateo County Local Road Safety Plan Fact Sheet
Presentation on Pescadero Road Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Safety Audit
Presentation on North Fair Oaks Bicycle and Pedestrian Railroad Crossing and Community Connections Study Update
Public Comment Received Regarding County 2022 Chip Seal Road Maintenance Project
June 16, 2022Cancellation Notice
May 19, 2022Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation on San Mateo County Safe Routes to School High Injury Network
Presentation of the Santa Cruz - Alameda de las Pulgas Complete Streets Project
BPAC Letter of Support Santa Cruz/Alameda de las Pulgas Complete Streets Project
Presentation on the Coleman and Ringwood Avenues Transportation Study
April 21, 2022Cancellation Notice
February 17, 2022Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation on Middlefield Road Project
Presentation on North Fair Oaks Bike/Ped Railroad Crossing and Community Connections Study
2022 Final BPAC Work Plan
2022 Final BPAC Neighborhood Responsibilities
December 16, 2021Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation on Bay to Sea Trail
Presentation on UC Berkeley SafeTREC Street Story
2022 Draft BPAC Work Plan
October 21, 2021Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation on CCAG Micromobility Study
Presentation on Sand Hill Road Bike Lane Improvements
Sand Hill Road Bicycle Signing and Striping Plans
Signed BPAC Letter of Support: Sand Hill Road Bike Lane Improvements
August 19, 2021Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation on Bicycle Safety/ Law Enforcement
Public Comment Received Regarding Bicycle Safety/Law Enforcement Item
June 17, 2021Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation on San Mateo County Local Road Safety Plan
Presentation on SMCOE Safe Routes to School
Presentation on County Updates: Active Transportation Implementation Progress
April 15, 2021Meeting Agenda Packet
BPAC Meeting Process and Roles Presentation
Caltrans Bay Area Bike Highway Study Presentation
AB 122 Draft Letter of Support
February 18, 2021Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation on Enforcing Laws for Cycling Safety
2021 Final BPAC Work Plan
2021 Final BPAC Neighborhood Responsibilities
December 17, 2020Meeting Agenda Packet
Draft Final Unincorporated San Mateo County Active Transportation Plan
Draft Final Unincorporated San Mateo County Active Transportation Plan Appendices
Presentation on Sheriff’s Office Safety Education, Engagement & Enforcement Efforts
November 17, 2020Meeting Agenda Packet
2021 Draft BPAC Work Plan
October 15, 2020Meeting Agenda Packet
Public Comments Received Regarding Kings Mountain Road
October 1, 2020 public correspondence received regarding the Alameda de las Pulgas
Presentation on SMC Unincorporated Active Transportation Plan
August 20, 2020Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation on the C/CAG Comprehensive Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
Presentation on the Santa Cruz Avenue/Alameda de las Pulgas Improvements Study
Signed Letter on the Santa Cruz Avenue/Alameda de las Pulgas Safety Improvements
June 18, 2020Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation on the Bay to Sea Trail
May 21, 2020Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation on SMC Unincorporated Active Transportation Plan
April 16, 2020Meeting Canceled
Cancellation Notice
March 12, 2020Meeting Canceled
Cancellation Notice
Meeting Agenda
Presentation on SMC Unincorporated Active Transportation Plan
SMC Unincorporated ATP Draft Pedestrian Focus Area Maps
SMC Unincorporated ATP Draft Bikeway Recommendations Map
February 20, 2020Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation on ADLP and Santa Cruz Avenue Improvements
Presentation on SMC Unincorporated Active Transportation Plan
Active Transportation Plan Initial Draft Bike Recommendations
Draft BPAC Santa Cruz Ave ADLP Comment Letter
December 19, 2019Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation on Coleman Avenue
Approved BPAC Work Plan 2020
Approved BPAC Neighborhood Responsibilities 2020
October 17, 2019Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation on Crystal Springs Dam Bike Lanes and Traffic Signage
Approved Board Memo County Response_Crystal Springs Regional Trail Grand Jury Report
Draft BPAC Work Plan 2020
September 25, 2019Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation: SMC Grand Jury Process
Crystal Springs Grand Jury Report
Presentation: Crystal Springs Grand Jury Report Summary
Signed Letter of Support: Crystal Springs Jury Report
Correspondence from Alternate Member Salinger
August 15, 2019Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation: Unincorporated San Mateo County Active Transportation Plan
Presentation: Kings Mountain Road Fuel Reduction Project and Closures
Presentation: Annual Bike and Pedestrian Count
June 20, 2019Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation: Midcoast Multimodal/Parallel Trail
April 18, 2019Meeting Agenda Packet
BPAC Neighborhood Responsibilities
February 21, 2019Meeting Agenda Packet
December 20, 2018Meeting Canceled
Cancellation Notice
December 12, 2018Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation: Bicycle Projects on Altschul Ave and Skyline Blvd
SMC Unincorporated Areas and BPAC Member Roles
Draft BPAC Work Plan 2019
October 18, 2018Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation: Planning and Funding Bicycle and Pedestrian Infrastructure
Presentation: Peninsula Open Space Trust Public Access Program
August 16, 2018Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation: South San Francisco Bike and Pedestrian Projects
Presentation: Annual Bike and Pedestrian Count
BPAC Work Plan Monitoring
June 21, 2018Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation: Multimodal Parallel Trail Project
Presentation: Gray Whale Cove Crossing Project
April 19, 2018Meeting Canceled
Cancellation Notice
February 15, 2018Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation: BPMP Grant Application for Unincorporated SMC
December 13, 2017Meeting Agenda Packet
October 19, 2017Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation: Update from County Dept of Public Works
Presentation: Complete the Gap Trail Project
August 17, 2017Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation: Dumbarton Transportation Corridor Study
July 10, 2017Cancellation Notice
Presentation: County Project Submissions for C/CAG TDA Article 3 Funds
June 15, 2017Meeting Canceled
Cancellation Notice
April 20, 2017 Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation: Office of Education Safe Routes to School
Presentation: Parents for Safe Routes
February 16, 2017 Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation: Sand Hill Road/280 Bike Lane Improvements
January 19, 2017 Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation: San Mateo County Health System's Collision Report
Presentation: Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition's Vision Zero Initiative
October 20, 2016Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation: San Mateo Countywide Transportation Plan
Handout: Santa Cruz Ave Parking Restrictions
Handout: Public Comments on Santa Cruz Ave Parking Restrictions
Handout: Santa Cruz Ave Bike Collision Hotspots
September 29, 2016 Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation: 2016/2017 Work Plan
July 14, 2016 Meeting Agenda Packet
Presentation: Brown Act Training
Presentation: Sustainability Department Overview
Presentation Committee Administration and Purpose
Presentation: Active Transportation Overview