Active Transportation in Unincorporated San Mateo County
Active transportation, which refers to any type of human-powered transport including walking, rolling and bicycling, can help reduce congestion and greenhouse gas emissions for trips between home, work, school, and other travel destinations. It is good for the environment and can be a relatively inexpensive means of transportation. You can help make a difference, starting with a few small alterations in how you travel. By changing at least one trip to walking or biking (also known as active transportation), you can improve your health, save money on gas and vehicle maintenance, and prevent the release of harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Explore our Biking in San Mateo County Brochure for helpful tips in English and Spanish to make your bike ride safer, easier, and more fun!
At the County of San Mateo, we strive to make walking and bicycling safe and comfortable for everyone. The County’s Active Transportation Program supports projects, policies and programs that reduce traffic congestion and encourage more bicycling and walking in unincorporated county communities.
Want to learn about active transportation projects and programs beyond the unincorporated parts of the County, such as those that are administered by other County-serving, Bay Area-wide and State agencies and organizations?
Partner websites:
- Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning C/CAG’s Active Transportation webpage
- Commute Alternatives and Rewards: STARS Program
- Countywide Bicycle Advocacy: Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition
- Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning: MTC’s active transportation planning effort
- State Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning: Caltrans District 4 Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans
County of San Mateo Plans and Projects:
- Connect the Coastside
- Santa Cruz Avenue Corridor Study
- Midcoast Multimodal Parallel Trail
- Alpine Road Study