Climate Action Planning

County Climate Action Planning
The County has two Climate Action Plans currently in place – a Government Operations Climate Action Plan and a Community Climate Action Plan. At the Sustainability Department, we’re responsible for updating and implementing both Plans, ensuring that the County meets its GHG emissions reduction commitments.
The Plans present the history of our emissions since 2005 and charts our course for reducing those emissions between now and 2040. They also feature a plan for how the unincorporated County can adapt to the effects of climate change.
View Community Climate Action Plan
View Government Operations Climate Action Plan

Regional Climate Action Planning
The Sustainability Department administers the Regionally Integrated Climate Action Planning Suite (RICAPS) program, a collaboration of all 20 incorporated cities and the County working on climate action planning and implementation. The Sustainability Department hosts a monthly working group with agency staff to support countywide implementation strategies and develops climate action planning resources.